Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Writer: Fasiha Khan

Current technological Assessment 

Technology is a crucial element of life nowadays. We cannot run from technology when at same time we want facilitation and ease of life in needs. However, even now, we have tribes who don't have access to technology and live happily in their own way of life. This does not nevertheless means that technology isn't important to us. Such tribes are stuck with traditional norms and limit their opportune of growth. Let’s take a quick example! You have been given a right to enjoy the ease in work and an opportunity to go in the heights of advancement. If you reject to accept, are you not doing badly with yourself, why not benefit yourself?  It’s in fact a worrying state, because when you reject to accept technology in place, you not only de-challenge yourself but also indirectly hurts the chance of uplifting economy of your country. As with the general view; making yourself confront with advancements of technology, you make yourself more effective, efficient, creative at work, enabling you to innovation and improvement, making you competitive at global market and thus raising your national standard of work and allowing economy to flourish.   

Coming to practical words, the unfortunate stands upfront that Pakistan lacks technological aspects either at work, education, trainings, daily use or any wide role of occupation. Taking the view in economical terms; How have it impacted our country? We have face losing economical activities and economic value in our country. Moreover, it has put us economically down across our neighboring countries. We share practical examples to spread the significance of need. India, next to our boarder, must be appreciated for making itself a revolutionized with all the coming times. Their education standard, economy, their operational activities and fairly better political stability is evident to the sound acceptance of advancements and technology with time. Let us notice recent news of adaption in India: beside the increasing Gold prices, the demand for gold jewelry had declined in the country. The jewelers found the new way to deal with issue. Rather to accept lower trading and lower profit margins, they have introduced the jewelry made from rotten iron and generated tremendous demand for it. Well this is quite interesting and a beautiful way to overcome. The results have kept up the fortunes to jewelers and also bless the consumers, the demand for rotten-iron jewelry have amazed the analysts and dealt interesting with the said matter. This is actually all about creativity, a habit to play with ideas with help of technology and   advancement. The principle behind such attractive ideas supports Think & Do. They have wide use of Internet common to all people which enables them to use benefit of it, wider access to customers, immediate adaption of products with changing demand and external issues, and at the same time lower of cost as online shopping does not require them to heavily invest in discretionary costs.

 Similarly, use of technology enables the business heartily in resource management. European countries have enormously taken use of it. The corporate and commercial doings at Europe have taken full use of it. Europe and American are the countries who have taken globe in their hands through their technological remark and ongoing innovation. The reason for their lead is that they commonly believe in the use of technology in every of their matter, whether it’s about their grocery shopping or it’s about the management of their corporate deeds. They make timely use of these facilities and so are urged to make further improvements and advancement. If we critically observe the nature of their everyday activities, every individual is making use of technology 
without any hesitation or divergence. The quality of their life, for this reason, is valued and increasing each single day. The education and operations are totally relying on the technology, thus making them well prepared for the coming digital and technological era. Let us consider the work of BBC and CNN, the very first word come out is brilliant! Now if we compare the two with other broadcasting Medias, they are leading among all and are simply considered as benchmark. Why it is so? Just because of the timely acknowledgement of technological assistance in their work processes, they have best communication channel setup nearly all across the world with any amazing utilization of technology. As a result the analysis which they give, the projections they cover, the knowledge they have and all other required elements to keep them at standard are perfect. All other counties are realizing the benefits of general use of technology and so are making efforts to absorb the essence today to benefit future. But unfortunately we are still hiding our faces from this essential element of coming time. We find all other ways to carry a work which requires least minimum use of advanced technology. At manufacturing companies, you will not be amazed to see the old manual processes to carry major portion of the process because the work doers are willingly carrying the tasks; resulting lacking export quality. You will still find resistance to change in work practices, why -- A big question -- Just because we fear from change! We just look at the negative side of work rather to make maximum benefit from it. In fact technology isn’t that bad; it does not create any harm in losing employment opportunities; as what is naturally thought, because technology is for all. It is not for some particle class of people or age group. Its unlimited advantages can serve the entire population provided every individual is ready to accept and transform him/herself to go with newer ways n advancement. Indeed it gives flexibility in your work status and it significantly contributes to uplift your creative skills; with the help of technology you can do what you think --- this is the benefit deliver through its virtuality! The acceptance of technology, say for setting up a virtual business, managing from online, gives you an ease for cost saving and at the same time promoting you at wider access to larger audience. Due to increasing advancements, major contributions are going in way to lower cost and access a wider range of customers. Now it’s about our target that how well we commit to go along with benefiting ourselves rather to compromise and keeping ourselves ok with old and incompatible practices.

It is true that world is becoming a corporate tool; significantly due to increasing technology and the impact it have on world. In this corporate world, unluckily, Pakistan is far away in this corporate race. We have almost absent postion in this corporate race; mainly because of unacceptance of technological assistance and use of its assistance in our corporate sector which as a result fails to meet the higher quality level of advancemnt. For a quick view, we can compare that still for meetings at corporate level or for particular training at executive level, we do not see the use of Webinar (Live meeting which takes place on web). There is lackiness in our crporate entities to take use of the blessings of virtual assistance which can sigificantly add value and allow enormous fortunes to the standard and effeciency criteria. Same lackness lies at workshops by training Industies conducted either for managemnt, workstaff, teachers, students, or at any other level. they lacks to incorporate advanced technology such  as advance multi media, online asssitance, or altogther it can be simpy said that technology-based training is minimum or nearly absent. 

In Pakistan, we can proudly say that we do have a lot of potential and extensive work going in place. Let’s take the example of Gujranwala; amazing work of utensils manufacturing carrying out in heavy industries. The products are supplied to all across the country and exports too; but the inopportune fact is that traders still carry the dealing worth of lacs’ and millions in cash. Perhaps the dealers do not get satisfy until they see bundles of cash on their tables. How uncompetitive it is that when the digital point of time is so near, they do not welcome banking their cash; when in fact the use of online banking transaction was adopted by Europe years and years ago. We should continually analyze our position for coming digital time that where we‘ll actually stand if we even lack the habit of banking commonly. Beside the hard luck of deficient use of technology, it is also true that we misuse the blessing of technology and tools. In early 90’s, British introduced the red box “telephone booth” in Pakistan. It was fairly welcomed by people; they use it by the specific coin for its use and to talk. However the favor had not run for much long, people stole and broke the telephones which were placed in those telephone booth.
The topic of technology is though tough to end, its growing use and need for coming highly technological and extremly digital era requires us to get worry for our current states, and entail us to accept its use in extensive terms for us to secure our positions.

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