Our Education System Is Killing Creativity
(Ken Robinson)
We cannot afford poverty of vision,
Let alone poverty of aspiration. There
Are always risks in changing, but the Risk of failing to change is much
An Abstract from Presentation
(The program
intends to bring a change in the education system, specifically of Pakistan. As
education is the root level of every field, giving a change in its traditional
pattern towards a move to thinking and creative paradigm will allow ease in
transformation to society as a whole. Program is intending to change the
typical system of education, from one-correct answer approach, to
thinking advances with the ingredients of brainstorming, flexible answering,
conclusive rather than correct answer or logical visions etc. All these will
best help to allow creativity in education. * inspired by Educating the Heart by Sirken
is Unlocking Creativity Partnership Program
Ken Robinson is an author, speaker and international advisor on education in
the arts to government, non-profits, education and arts bodies. He is greatly
drawing attention to allow creativity in educational pattern; it is the
necessity as well as the heart of real prospect of education. The two of the
conversation of Sirken Robinson on Adobe TV relation to “why it is important to
develop creativity through education” And “how technology is transforming
education” reflects the importance of allowing such a need of course! (Tinyurl.com)
We cannot afford poverty of vision,
Let alone poverty of aspiration. There
Are always risks in changing, but the
Risk of failing to change is much
this program may contribute in society by 2025?
The proposed program contributes in
developing the capacities of all people for creativity and innovation so
promote and sustain the social, culture and economic well-being of Pakistan by
this time.
Extensive aims
To ensure full and co-ordinate provision for creative and
cultural development
Drawing attention to coordinated set of courses for creative
advances and enduring status of true
learning prospects.
To ensure access to training and employment opportunities and
promote Business development through
creative and cultural development.
To validate the concept that creativity is central to all
aspects of work, Learning and leisure in Pakistan through ensuring effective partnership
between organizations in the public, private and voluntary sectors.
*It is imperative
that the outcomes of Unlocking Creativity are of the highest quality and that
they provide unequivocal examples of the benefits that creativity brings to society.
Vertex is proud to announce this program and we are collaborating with other media ,art groups and corporate partners peacfully .So Soon you will have schedule of Our Monthly and Weekly Events . Drop your email at ayub.ayubi@gmail.com Or Contact at 03455255799 for feedback and ideas .
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