Friday, April 6, 2012

The Secret

The Most Essential Leadership Qualities

Th secrets of High Quality Leadership

Integrity is perhaps the most valued and respected quality of leadership and one of the most important management skills you need to attain. By saying what you’ll do and then doing what you say, you will build trust around your team.

Do you stand up and speak out for what you believe? Do you demonstrate the courage to stay the course when the going gets tough and the outcome looks uncertain?

What makes a good leader is the ability to stay calm and in control, especially when everyone around them is wondering whether it’s the right decision or if it was a mistake to commit to a particular course of action. When you exude confidence in yourself, in the decision, and in the people around you, you instill the same feelings and attitudes in others.

Leaders have what is called “courageous patience.” Between the decision and the result, there is always a period of uncertainty when no one knows if the effort is going to be successful. To be a successful leader, you must strive to have these essential leadership qualities.

If you have lived with this feeling many times in your career, you’re in good company.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Programme your Mental Hard Disk ...But How ?? We are programming your mind

Writer :Fasiha Khan
Importance of Goals

A prosperous Life  is waiting … But, HOW?
The four alphabet word “GOAL”, looks small but carries great depth and meaning to an individual’s life …
Goal shares strong emphasis to those who want their lives to be planned, progressive and according to what they wanted to. An average or unplanned person may not share the same thoughts as they do not have courage to take charge of their own life. They do not lead their instead, Instead time and situations lead them..However, for any one who values the opportunity of life and want their dreams to fit into coming time will have clear & prewritten goals for them.
It is truly said “there are no limits to what you can achieve except for the limits you put on your imaginations… since there are no limits to what you can imagine, there are no limits to what you can achieve.” This means that achievements in future/life directly relates with the size of imaginations, i.e. a Goal itself!. Set little goals… You‘ll achieve low, whereas set your goal standards high, your natural capability will allow you to achieve higher.
In order to imagine high, firstly fanaticize your perfect future by considering that there are no limitations for you in coming time. You are free to achieve, what you want. Therefore, make your attitude towards life in such a way that “Refuse to compromise your dreams at”. This strategy will encourage you to unlock your potential and welcome the encouraging time at all costs.
After planning your imaginations, in terms of goal, now you need to split your goals in smaller segments where you can determine what to be done in each day. Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them and work on your plans every single day. Performing every day and being stick to goal is necessary. Absence of realization of what you aimed will possibly drift you away from seeking accomplishment of your long term vision.
For you to make more prosperous and brighter goals, it is highly required to adopt optimistic approach in all regards. Optimism leads you with a positive look around your life, issues, matters and so a better dealing with it. When you feel positive and takes charge of your life, you’ll set bigger and more challenging goals.
Taking control of your life and considering yourself as a sole responsible for your life and matters, you take charge of your own life and become strong, practical & foresighted.With this deliberation, you will be helped to come out of dilemmafrom being trapped in past, you will limit yourself to find excuses and blaming others. You consider yourself solely responsible for anything that happens to you. This fact will take you to decide that you will like yourself to think and plan for your future, because the point that you are responsible and hence to have a remarkable stake in coming time. The more you think in future, the better decisions you make in present. Moreover, A golden tip related here,, while make yourself responsible and deciding in above manner, always think about what you want and all the possible ways to get it, instead of think what you don’t want! Simply, deciding what you want will take you towards your goal.
To end up with, always seek to have goal orientated prospect. As all the successful people, achievers, million/billionaires, or anyone who is satisfied from the feats of lifewill certainly tell you the secret of their success as having the defined, clear goals and ultimately a burning desire to achieve them!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Make Life Easier! Maintain a Great Work-Life Balance

By Brian Tracy
Make Life Easier! Maintain a Great Work-Life Balance

work-life balance - reduce waste of timeYour goal is to live a long, happy life, full of joy and satisfaction, to realize your potential, and to become everything you are capable of becoming. The starting point of achieving balance and make life easier is for you to set your own happiness as the primary goal of your life, and then organize everything you do to achieve that happiness.

Fully 85% of your happiness comes from your relationships with other people – at home, at work, and in every area of your life. You require a balance between your work and your personal life in order to be happy.
Achieve Work-Life Balance

In your work and career, you need to be doing work that you enjoy, that gives you a sense of personal fulfillment, that pays you well, and which you do in an excellent fashion; your life can quickly get out of balance if you are lacking in this area.

The average person feels that he or she has too much work to do and that this is the major reason that his or her life is out of balance. This is seldom true.

The fact is that most working people waste fully 50% of their time. Idol chit-chat with co-workers, reading a newspaper, surfing the internet, personal business, long coffee breaks and lunches, coming in late and leaving early is a waste of time. The average person only works about 50% of the time, and then, because they are under pressure, they work on low-value activities.

The secret to success at work is simple: “Work all the time you work!” When you go to work, put your head down, and immediately start work. If someone wants to interrupt you to talk, you excuse yourself by saying that you have to get “back to work!”
Make Life Easier

Plan every day and week in advance. You should make a list before you start each day, preferably the night before. Every minute spent in planning saves ten minutes in work or execution.

To reduce waste of time, start setting your priorities on your work list by using the A, B, C, D, E Method:

   1. Go over your list and put an A next to each of your most important tasks;
   2. Go over your list and put a B next to tasks that are not as important;
   3. Go over your list and place a C next to those tasks that are hardly important at all.

When you begin work, start on your A-1, most important tasks first thing. Practice single-handling; concentrate single-mindedly on one thing, the most important thing, and discipline yourself to stay on that task until it is 100% complete.

By developing the habit of single-minded concentration on your most important task, you will increase your productivity 50%, get your entire work life under control, double your productivity, performance and output, and reassert work-life balance.

Don’t forget to take one or two week vacations twice each year during which you do no work at all. This will help you get back into balance faster than almost anything else you can do.
Get Plenty of Rest

To increase your work-life balance, you need plenty of rest, at least 7-8 hours each night. When you get too little sleep, you build up a “sleep deficit” which causes you to go through the day in a form of “fog.” Because you are not thoroughly rested, you find it difficult to concentrate on the high-value activities that account for your success. Instead, you work on low priority, easier tasks, that contribute very little to your career.

The very act of going to bed one hour early each night, or getting one to two hours of extra sleep each night, can transform your life completely, and put your entire life back into balance.

Balance is not something that you achieve quickly and easily. It is something that you have to work at, every single day. But the good news is that, whatever you do repeatedly eventually becomes a habit. You can develop the habit of living a high performance, happy, well balanced life by simply practicing these ideas over and over until they make life easier.
Topics included in this article include
Make Life Easier
Work-Life Balance
Waste of Time