Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why it is important to allow yourself to do Mistakes…

Writer  :  Fasiha Ayub

 Category: Personal Development 

Why it is important to allow yourself to do Mistakes…

Mistake - - - as heard by name, a negative, down and a resent feeling come in mind. The sense involved in mistake is usually considered as undesirable in any stage of life, whether young, mid or any.
Ill advisedly, this is the wrong and wretched fact linked with the presence of mistake. Mistake, infact, is a series of learning. It gives person a lesson for future and adds in his experience for life long. However, to make learning and experience more sound, it is necessary to take mistakes positively and gave them a optimistic and learning view.
A strange fact linked with mistakes is that the lesson learned from doing a mistake always remain in close consciousness as compared to typical ways of learning & enhancing, such as lessons from book reading, elder’s advice etc. It is due to the perception of mind and its acceptance that once an individual have commit a mistake it remembers it so deeply because it involves the fact of practical experience that keeps the lessons alive for lifetime.
Conversely, our traditional and social values of society have created myths with regards to making mistake. A person who does a mistake is usually considered to be failure in society. The community views the person as a looser that is not allowed to be given a respectable and honorable place again easily. Therefore, anyone who makes a mistake, as being initial beginner of practical life, feels himself depressed and guilty for what he does wrong, instead of taking it as a part of learning involvement in the phase of life.
Unfortunately, our society influences the individual so closely and deeply that it leaves a great impact on his/her career life & development. Society views the person who takes risks as adventures, as a crazy person or perhaps an out of mind and, Hence puts a stamp on his future go! This demoralizes the potential creativity within a human but, however, no one can put a full stop on thought process going within a person’s mind. History is here to prove this law, like Einstein, Newton, Thomas Edison and many other creative minded people were not up to the mark in early stages of life, such as academics and learning etc., but, however, bright ideas, inventive thoughts and spirit to do some thing innovative and creative have made it possible for them to keep their names alive for years and years and make them part of history.
In this advancing and socializing era, we are highly required to break these traditional fables associated with making mistakes and typical learning capacity of individuals. Our values should accept the potential caliber of individual and should allow them a handful support to encourage them in their way of thinking, opinion, and an active contribution, it will generally help to bring out more scientist and creative people among us. Our morals must allow individuals to learn by their own experience, which is by trying at their own perhaps by making mistakes and learning from the outcomes.  
Undoubtedly, Traditional norms and society is not here to decide the latent success level and passion of creativity within a person. Every single individual of society must have freedom of mind, speech and thoughts to allow them to think, do and to live at their own.  It’s the right of all individuals at any stage of life, as all the life of a human should be a learning and practicing age, there must not be a limit to it to create their own human identity, personal development and their success level in life…

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