Friday, September 2, 2011

Self Discovery ...Have ypu gone through the proccess of Self Actualisation?


Why  Faith is important ??????     A sceintific Answer   which is apealing to each individual   ......of this continent ........

The most important ingredient of human life is Faith .Where faith exists in the sphere of material and luxurious , mass accumulating way of life......  ,The quest for mass accumulation and habits of dog removed from human faith which God bestowed upon him ...Where there is no Faith there the doubt  exists .....and where there is  FAith there Doubt  will never come..The doubt exists where ,there is no Faith On God .....One of the sad fact is that ,many of us  are not living the life to fullest due to certain threat ,those we are facing  due to an educational system which is unlaigned with our national needs and priorites and thats why most people are indulging themselves in  those activites which are heading towards self destruction and weak attitudes .

Here in Sub Continet Including India and Pak....The people need to come out of mediocrity .Mediocrity  arrives when we have some sorts of fears  and having some dominanace over our minds about other dominant people .Whether its taken in childhood from a Teacher who was self destructive or It is taken by some Mater -Slave relation .All that is ,We are having fear about our abilites  which are mircaluos .God created only one Human who is pious ,healthy and privliged in his nature .

So every human on eatrh is Pious ,Haelthy  and privliged in his nature .Now ,The real game starts ,When we ahve  been asked by Allah to discover our  unlimited potential by putting utmost efforts and through the procces of self Actualisation .Why we are less focusing on this....? 

Now its upto human how much efforts he put to break the barriers which he has put on his mind and discover his unlimted potential by daily ,miniute to minute ,hour to hour efforts .

In the next ,We will find  How to Discover your unlimited  potential ..?

Wait for tomorrow......Good Bye

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